Sunday, October 23, 2016

Mission Mission

What is a "Mission Mission"?

It's simply me trying to see every Franciscan mission in California.

California is home to 21 Spanish missions founded by Franciscan Father, Junipero Serra. All 21 missions were built from 1769 at the founding of Mission San Diego de Alcala till the Mission San Francisco Solano which was built in 1823, their purpose was both to colonize and proselytize New Spain that would later become the great state of California. Each mission was built about a days journey in between one another up the coast housing and providing for its new tenants.

Of course as a Mexican American, historian and SoCal girl, I really should have found my interest for the missions way sooner in life. But I'm completely making up for lost time. Out of the 21 missions I've visited 14 as of now and the last 7 will be done by next year.

My interest in the missions was peaked by accident after a day in San Juan Capistrano, and seeing that beautiful mission is sure to send anyone on a quest for more.

With every mission visited I become more and more aware of certain facets of architecture, culture, religion and the history of my state. Most people think Hollywood when they hear California but really each city and county offers a whole other world to explore than just what "Hollywood" offers. I love how much a city still builds and models itself around a mission which becomes their focal point of culture, architecture and tourism.

 Below are my photos from my time at the Mission San Diego de Alcala, which is the first mission built in California.
The glorious bells of a mission is essential.
Statue of Father Junipero Serra
Long hallways are a beautiful feature found at every mission
Beautiful arches are a feature to look forward to seeing.
First flag, Bell, picture of the original mission.
View of the chapel
Rear of the chapel, choir section.
Effigies of Saints 
Original chapel, which indigenous patrons helped build. 
Classic Fountain feature always found in the center of the courtyard area of a mission.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon is a unique national park that if you are ever happen to visit Utah you should definitely stop at before leaving. The beauty of Utah, and it's national parks, is the red hue of its landscape. Bryce canyon is filled with it's on version of red "rocks" that are more like stalagmites in a cave but in the open air of a canyon. There are several trails to take visitors around the canyon and into it so you can experience the vast beauty of the park. Now the park is a bit elevated so you literally feel a bit breathless looking at everything. The "attractions" you must see (pictured below) when visiting are the Amphitheater, Cathedrals, Grottos, and Silent City with the hoodoos.